Order Recommending that Each Entity Listed as of July 23, 2004, in the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities Remain a Listed Entity (SI/2004-155)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17
Order Recommending that Each Entity Listed as of July 23, 2004, in the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities Remain a Listed Entity
Registration 2004-12-01
Order Recommending that Each Entity Listed as of July 23, 2004, in the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities Remain a Listed Entity
P.C. 2004-1350 2004-11-16
Whereas, on July 23, 2004, two years had elapsed since the establishment of a list by the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities pursuant to subsection 83.05(1) of the Criminal Code;
And whereas, pursuant to subsection 83.05(9) of the Criminal Code, the Solicitor General of Canada has reviewed that list, as it existed on July 23, 2004, and as set out in the schedule, and has determined that there are still reasonable grounds to believe that each entity listed in the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities has knowingly carried out, attempted to carry out, participated in or facilitated a terrorist activity or is knowingly acting on behalf of, or at the direction of or in association with an entity that has knowingly carried out, attempted to carry out, participated in or facilitated a terrorist activity;
Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Solicitor General of Canada, hereby accepts the recommendation of the Solicitor General of Canada made pursuant to subsection 83.05(9) of the Criminal Code that each entity listed as of July 23, 2004, in the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities remain a listed entity.
- Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (AGAI) (also known as Islamic Group (IG))
- Al-Ittihad Al-Islam (IAI)
- Al Qaida
- Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) (also known as Groupe salafiste pour la prédication et le combat)
- Al Jihad (AJ) (also known as Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ))
- Vanguards of Conquest (VOC)
- Armed Islamic Group (GIA) (also known as Groupe islamique armé (GIA))
- Islamic Army of Aden (IAA) (also known among other names as the Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan (IAAA), the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (AAIA), Aden Islamic Army, Islamic Aden Army, Muhammed’s Army / Army of Mohammed and the Jaish Adan Al Islami)
- Harakat ul-Mudjahidin (HuM) (also known among other names as Al-Faran, Al-Hadid, Al-Hadith, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Harakat ul-Mujahideen, Harakat al-Mujahideen, Harkat-ul-Ansar, Harakat ul-Ansar, Harakat al-Ansar, Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami, Harkat Mujahideen, Harakat-ul-Mujahideen al-Almi, Holy Warriors Movement, Movement of the Mujahideen, Movement of the Helpers, Movement of Islamic Fighters and Al Qanoon)
- Asbat Al-Ansar (“The League of Partisans”) (also known among other names as Osbat Al Ansar, Usbat Al Ansar, Esbat Al-Ansar, Isbat Al Ansar and Usbat-ul-Ansar)
- Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (also known among other names as Islamic Jihad Palestine (IJP), Islamic Jihad-Palestine Faction and Islamic Holy War)
- Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) (also known among other names as Jaishi-Mohammed (Mohammad, Muhammad, Muhammed), Jaishe-Mohammad (Muhammed), Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem, Jeish-e-Mahammed, Army of Mohammed, Mohammed’s Army, Tehrik Ul-Furqaan, National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty and Army of the Prophet)
- Hamas (Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamiya) (“Islamic Resistance Movement”)
- Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) (also known among other names as Kurdistan Workers Party, Partya Karkeren Kurdistan, Kurdistan Labor Party, Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress, KADEK, Kurdistan People’s Congress, Kurdistan Halk Kongresi (KHK), People’s Congress of Kurdistan and Kongra-Gel)
- Aum Shinrikyo (also known among other names as Aum Shinri Kyo, Aum, Aum Supreme Truth, A. I. C. Comprehensive Research Institute, A. I. C. Sogo Kenkyusho and Aleph)
- Hizballah (also known among other names as Hizbullah, Hizbollah, Hezbollah, Hezballah, Hizbu’llah, The Party of God, Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War), Islamic Jihad Organization, Islamic Resistance, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, Ansar al-Allah (Followers of God/Partisans of God/God’s Helpers), Ansarollah (Followers of God/Partisans of God/God’s Helpers), Ansar Allah (Followers of God/Partisans of God/God’s Helpers), Al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Resistance), Organization of the Oppressed, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of Right Against Wrong and Followers of the Prophet Muhammed)
- Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) (also known among other names as Fatah Revolutionary Council, Revolutionary Council, Revolutionary Council of Fatah, Al-Fatah Revolutionary Council, Fatah-the Revolutionary Council, Black June, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims, Black September, Egyptian Revolution, Arab Fedayeen Cells, Palestine Revolutionary Council and Organization of Jund al Haq)
- Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) (also known among other names as Al Harakat Al Islamiyya (AHAI), Al Harakat-ul Al Islamiyya, Al-Harakatul-Islamia, Al Harakat Al Aslamiya, Abou Sayaf Armed Band (ASAB), Abu Sayaff Group, Abu Sayyef Group and Mujahideen Commando Freedom Fighters (MCFF))
- Sendero Luminoso (SL) (also known among other names as Shining Path, Partido Comunista del Peru en el Sendero Luminoso de Jose Carlos Mariategui, Communist Party of Peru on the Shining Path of Jose Carlos Mariategui, Partido Comunista del Peru, Communist Party of Peru, The Communist Party of Peru by the Shining Path of Jose Carlos Mariategui and Marxism, Leninism, Maoism and the Thoughts of Chairman Gonzalo, Revolutionary Student Front for the Shining Path of Mariategui, Communist Party of Peru—By Way of the Shining Path of Mariategui, PCP—por el Sendero Luminoso de Mariategui, PCP and PCP-SL)
- Jemaah Islamiyyah (JI) (also known among other names as Jemaa Islamiyah, Jema’a Islamiyya, Jema’a Islamiyyah, Jema’ah Islamiyah, Jema’ah Islamiyyah, Jemaa Islamiya, Jemaa Islamiyya, Jemaah Islamiyya, Jemaa Islamiyyah, Jemaah Islamiah, Jemaah Islamiyah, Jemaah Islamiyyah, Jemaah Islamiya, Jamaah Islamiyah, Jamaa Islamiya, Jemaah Islam, Jemahh Islamiyah, Jama’ah Islamiyah, Al-Jama’ah Al Islamiyyah, Islamic Group and Islamic Community)
- Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
- Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) (also known among other names as Basque Homeland and Liberty, Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna, Euzkadi Ta Askatasanu, Basque Nation and Liberty, Basque Fatherland and Liberty and Basque Homeland and Freedom)
- Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade (AAMB) (also known among other names as Al-Aqsa Intifada Martyrs’ Group, Al-Aqsa Brigades, Martyrs of al-Aqsa group, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Battalion and Armed Militias of the Al-Aqsa Martyr Battalions)
- Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) (also known among other names as Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, FARC-EP), National Finance Commission (Comisión Nacional de Finanzas) and Coordinadora Nacional Guerrillera Simon Bolivar (CNGSB))
- Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) (also known among other names as Autodéfenses unies de Colombie and United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia)
- Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) (also known among other names as National Liberation Army and the Army of National Liberation)
- Babbar Khalsa (BK)
- Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
- International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
- Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) (also known among other names as Lashkar-e-Toiba, Lashkar-i-Toiba (LiT), Lashkar-i-Taiba (Holy Regiment), Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT) (Army of the Righteous), Lashkar-e-Taibyya, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (Army of the Pure and Righteous), Lashkar-e-Taiba (Righteous Army), Lashkar-Taiba (Army of the Good), Lashkar e Toiba, Lashkar e Taiba, Lashkar-E-Tayyaba, Lashkar e Tayyiba)
- Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) (also known among other names as Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Jhangvie, Laskar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkare Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Jhangwi, Lashkar-i-Jhangwi, Jhangvi Army, Lashkar-e Jhangvi, Lashkar Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Jhanvi (LeJ), Lashkar-i-Jangvi, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Lashkar Jangvi, Laskar e Jahangvi)
- Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) (also known among other names as PLF—Abu Abbas Faction, Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FLP))
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) (Al-Jibha al-Sha’biya lil-Tahrir Filistin)
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine—General Command (PFLP-GC) (Al-Jibha Sha’biya lil-Tahrir Filistin-al-Qadiya al-Ama)
- Ansar al-Islam (AI) (also known as the Partisans of Islam, Helpers of Islam, Supporters of Islam, Soldiers of God, Kurdistan Taliban, Soldiers of Islam, Kurdistan Supporters of Islam, Supporters of Islam in Kurdistan and Followers of Islam in Kurdistan)
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