Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canal Regulations

Version of section 2 from 2008-09-05 to 2024-12-15:

 In these Regulations,

approach wharf

approach wharf means that section of a wharf or wall as defined by appropriate signs immediately above and below a lock; (quai d’approche)


basin means any navigable area, whether or not it includes a part of the normal canal prism provided for the loading, unloading, turning or passing of vessels; (bassin)


bridgemaster means a person actually on duty in charge of a bridge; (maître-pontier)


Chief means the Chief, Canals Division, Department of Transport, or such person duly appointed to act in that behalf; (chef)

Collision Regulations

Collision Regulations[Repealed, SOR/2008-272, s. 52]


damkeeper means a person actually on duty in charge of a dam; (barragiste)


Department means the Department of Transport; (ministère)


despatcher means a person actually on duty operating a marine radiotelephone station for controlling ship traffic entering or within a canal; (agent régulateur)


employee includes any person, not being an officer, employed in the Department; (employé)


goods means any animal, commodity or merchandise; (marchandises)


lockmaster means a person actually on duty in charge of a lock; (maître-éclusier)

lying in wait

lying in wait means the waiting of a vessel, during the season of navigation, for a berth in such portion of a canal designated by the Superintending Engineer for the purpose of the lying-up of vessels; (en attente)


lying-up means the occupying by a vessel, during the season of navigation, of a berth in such portion of a canal designated by the Superintending Engineer for that purpose; (séjour)

marine railway operator

marine railway operator means a person actually on duty in charge of a marine railway; (conducteur de ber)


master means any person in charge of a vessel, except a pilot; (capitaine)


Minister means the Minister of Transport; (ministre)


officer means any person employed in the Department exercising control in connection with the canals; (fonctionnaire)


owner, as applied to goods, includes the consignor and the consignee of the goods; (propriétaire)


owner, as applied to a vessel, includes the authorized agent of the owner; (propriétaire)

package freight

package freight means goods bagged, baled, boxed, bundled, crated, wrapped, enclosed or bound for transportation; (marchandises en colis)

pleasure craft

pleasure craft means a non-motorized vessel carrying passengers who are engaged in pleasure, recreation and leisure time pursuits and includes any motorized vessel serving Parks Canada in the operation, management and administration of a canal; (bateau de plaisance)

restricted area

restricted area means any area of canal land declared by the Superintending Engineer to be an area upon which no goods are to be deposited; (zone interdite)

season of navigation

season of navigation means the period from the date of the official opening to the date of the official closing of navigation, both dates inclusive; (saison de navigation)

side wharfage charges

side wharfage charges means charges levied on a vessel loading, unloading or lying in wait in a canal; (droit d’accostage)

storage charges

storage charges means charges levied on goods occupying unleased canal property; (droit d’entreposage)

Superintending Engineer

Superintending Engineer and Superintendent means, respectively, the person holding the office of Superintending Engineer or Superintendent of any of the canals under the jurisdiction of the Department, or any person duly authorized to act for any such officer; (ingénieur-surintendantandsurintendant)

top wharfage charges

top wharfage charges means charges levied on goods loaded on or unloaded from a vessel in a canal; (droit de terre-plein)


tow means to push, pull or otherwise move through the water; (remorquer or touer)

unrestricted area

unrestricted area means an area of unleased land not included in a restricted area; (zone libre)


vessel means any ship, boat or other floating craft or equipment; (navire)

vessel traffic controller

vessel traffic controller means the officer who controls vessel traffic in the Sault Ste. Marie (Canada) Canal; (contrôleur du trafic maritime)


wintering means the occupying, by a vessel, during the non-navigation season of a berth within the limits of the canals, whether such vessel be afloat or otherwise. (hivernage)

  • SOR/80-467, s. 1
  • SOR/81-69, s. 1
  • SOR/2008-272, s. 52

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