Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2017-07-13 to 2025-02-04:

SCHEDULE VIII(s. 24.1)Portable Fish Hold Divisions

  • 1 Every portable fish hold division shall be fishtight and shall extend from the bottom of the hold to the deckhead, with due regard to the loading and unloading of the vessel.

  • 2 Provision shall be made to allow water to drain into the bilge, and bilge suctions shall be adequately protected to prevent clogging.

  • 3 Portable penboards shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent dislodgment when fish are being pumped into and out of the hold.

  • 4 Where wooden stanchions are installed, the penboards shall be secured in such a manner as to withstand the loads imposed.

  • 5 Every portable fish hold division shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent overloading or excessive trim, and to the satisfaction of the Inspector.

  • 6 Where an aluminum penboard or stanchion is installed,

    • (a) it shall be constructed of a salt water resistant alloy;

    • (b) the scantlings shall be compatible with the size of the fish hold; and

    • (c) the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Inspector.

    • 7 (1) The scantlings of every wooden fish hold division shall be at least in accordance with the formulae set out in subsection (2), as illustrated in Figure 1, provided that in the case of a fish hold not exceeding 2 m in depth, a 100 mm × 100 mm wooden stanchion and a 38 mm penboard may be used.

    • (2) The formulae for vertical steel uprights and horizontal wooden boards are as follows:

      • (a) minimum section modulus of every vertical steel upright,

        z = 4psbh2;

      • (b) minimum actual finished thickness of every horizontal wooden board,

        t = sqrt 8psb2; and

      • (c) in the above formulae,

        • z = section modulus, in cubic centimetres

        • t = thickness of wooden board, in centimetres

        • p = density of cargo, in tonnes per cubic metre

        • s = maximum transverse distance between any two adjacent longitudinal divisions or line of supports, in metres

        • h = maximum vertical span of a column taken to be the hold depth, in metres

        • b = maximum longitudinal distance between any two adjacent transverse divisions or line of supports, in metres.

    • (3) The formulae set out in subsection (2) shall be applied subject to the following conditions:

      • (a) where a longitudinal fish hold division is athwartship, the formulae shall be modified by interchanging s and b;

      • (b) when it is known that a longitudinal or transverse division will always be loaded on both sides, reduced scantlings may be accepted;

      • (c) if a vertical steel upright is permanent and well connected at both ends to the structure of the vessel, reduced scantlings may be accepted if there is sufficient security provided by the end connections;

      • (d) the timber used shall be of sound durable quality, and of a type and grade that has been proved satisfactory for a fish hold division.


      Illustration, measurements and specifications for horizontal wood boards - steel uprights
  • SOR/78-919, s. 6
  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)

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