Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations

Version of section 27 from 2017-07-13 to 2025-02-04:

  •  (1) Where side scuttles are fitted below the weatherdeck of a fishing vessel, deadlights or plugs, attached by hinges or a chain, shall be provided adjacent to the scuttle.

  • (2) Where a fishing vessel proceeds more than 20 nautical miles from land and there is no method of preventing water from entering the main hull through a broken window or port light, storm shutters and deadlights respectively shall be fitted to those openings.

  • (3) Plate glass having a minimum thickness of 6 mm shall be fitted in the wheelhouse windows of

    • (a) all new fishing vessels; and

    • (b) new vessels when replacement of those windows becomes necessary.

  • (4) All doors giving access to the main hull of a fishing vessel shall be strongly constructed and hung on substantial hinges and locking arrangements shall be such that a door can be opened from either side.

  • (4.1) Subject to subsection (4.3), a fishing vessel shall have at least two means of escape, including the main entrance, in each crew space and area in which the crew may be normally employed.

  • (4.2) For the purposes of subsection (4.1), one of the means of escape shall be located as far as possible from the main entrance and may be a window or a scuttle that is of sufficient proportions to provide for easy exit by the crew members and that is capable of being retained in an open position while being used as an escape route.

  • (4.3) The requirements of subsections (4.1) and (4.2) do not apply

    • (a) in respect of a fishing vessel the keel of which was laid prior to May 1, 1988; or

    • (b) in respect of a fishing vessel where a second means of escape is not practicable due to the size limitations or spatial layout of a crew space or an area in which the crew may be normally employed.

  • (5) Where entrance to the crew space on a fishing vessel is by way of the engine room, an escape hatch shall be fitted from the crew space to the open deck.

  • (6) Where exit from the crew space of a fishing vessel to the open deck is provided by one means only, it shall be of sufficient proportions to provide for easy exit for the number of men berthed and shall be as near the centre line of the ship as is practicable.

  • (7) Two engine room entrances providing easy access, each measuring at least 560 mm by 560 mm, shall be fitted on a fishing vessel unless this is not practicable, in which case one engine room entrance shall be fitted that is placed as near the centre line of the vessel as is practicable and that measures

    • (a) in the case of a vessel exceeding 15.2 m and not exceeding 24.4 m in length, at least 610 mm by 1 220 mm; and

    • (b) in the case of a vessel not exceeding 15.2 m in length, at least 610 mm by 915 mm.

  • SOR/89-96, s. 3
  • SOR/95-372, s. 7
  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 14, 35(F)

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