Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Version of section 95 from 2023-06-13 to 2024-07-23:

Marginal note:Report and remedial measures

  •  (1) If there occurs or is a likelihood of a release into the environment of a substance specified on the list of toxic substances in Schedule 1 in contravention of a regulation made under section 93 or an order made under section 94, any person described in subsection (2) shall, as soon as possible in the circumstances,

    • (a) subject to subsection (4) and any regulations made under paragraph 97(b), notify an enforcement officer or any other person designated pursuant to the regulations and provide a written report on the matter to the enforcement officer or other person;

    • (b) take all reasonable measures consistent with the protection of the environment and public safety to prevent the release or, if it cannot be prevented, to remedy any dangerous condition or reduce or mitigate any danger to the environment or to human life or health that results from the release of the substance or may reasonably be expected to result if the substance is released; and

    • (c) make a reasonable effort to notify any member of the public who may be adversely affected by the release or likely release.

  • Marginal note:Application

    (2) Subsection (1) applies to any person who

    • (a) owns or has the charge, management or control of a substance immediately before its release or its likely release into the environment; or

    • (b) causes or contributes to the release or increases the likelihood of the release.

  • Marginal note:Report by property owner

    (3) If there occurs a release of a substance as described in subsection (1), any person, other than a person described in subsection (2), whose property is affected by the release and who knows that it is a substance specified on the list of toxic substances in Schedule 1 shall, as soon as possible in the circumstances and subject to subsection (4), report the matter to an enforcement officer or to any person that is designated by regulation.

  • Marginal note:Report to provincial official

    (4) Where there are in force, by or under the laws of a province or an aboriginal government, provisions that the Governor in Council, by regulation, declares to be adequate for dealing with a release described in subsection (1), a report required by paragraph (1)(a) or subsection (3) shall be made to a person designated by those provisions.

  • Marginal note:Intervention by enforcement officer

    (5) Where any person fails to take any measures required under subsection (1), an enforcement officer may take those measures, cause them to be taken or direct any person referred to in subsection (2) to take them.

  • Marginal note:Limitation on power of direction

    (6) A direction of an enforcement officer under subsection (5) that is inconsistent with a requirement imposed by or under any other Act of Parliament is void to the extent of the inconsistency.

  • Marginal note:Access to property

    (7) Any enforcement officer or other person authorized or required to take any measures under subsection (1) or (5) may enter and have access to any place or property and may do any reasonable things that may be necessary in the circumstances.

  • Marginal note:Personal liability

    (8) Any person, other than a person described in subsection (2), who provides assistance or advice in taking the measures required by subsection (1) or who takes any measures authorized under subsection (5) is not personally liable either civilly or criminally in respect of any act or omission in the course of providing assistance or advice or taking any measures under those subsections unless it is established that the person acted in bad faith.

  • 1999, c. 33, s. 95
  • 2023, c. 12, s. 35

Date modified: