Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act

Version of section 2 from 2006-12-12 to 2024-06-19:

Marginal note:Definitions

 In this Act,

Board of Directors

Board of Directors or Board means the Board of Directors of the Corporation referred to in subsection 6(1); (conseil)


Chairman[Repealed, 2006, c. 9, s. 231]


Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Board, appointed pursuant to subsection 6(2);  (Version anglaise seulement)


Corporation means the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation established by section 3; (Société)


director means a member of the Board of Directors; (administrateur)

Executive Committee

Executive Committee means the Executive Committee of the Board established by section 9; (comité de direction)

Housing Acts

Housing Acts means the National Housing Act, the National Housing Act, chapter N-10 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, the National Housing Act, 1954, and the National Housing Act, chapter 188 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952; (lois sur l’habitation)

lending institution

lending institution means a loan, insurance, trust or other company or corporation, trustee of trust funds, building society, credit union or other cooperative credit society authorized to lend money on the security of real property; (établissement de crédit)


Minister means such member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada as is designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister for the purposes of this Act; (ministre)


mortgage includes a hypothec and an agreement for sale; (hypothèque)


President means the President of the Corporation, appointed pursuant to subsection 7(1). (président)

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-7, s. 2
  • 2006, c. 9, s. 231(E)

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