211 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.
court of appeal has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Criminal Code. (cour d’appel)
(4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply to
(a) criminal proceedings, either by indictment or on summary conviction, that have been commenced by the laying of an information or the preferring of an indictment, under an Act of Parliament; or
(6) An official may
(d.1) provide confidential information, or allow the inspection of or access to confidential information, as the case may be, under, and solely for the purpose of,
(ii) an order made under subsection 462.48(3) of the Criminal Code, or
(iii) an order made under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act to gather or send information, for the purposes of an investigation or prosecution relating to an act or omission that, if it had occurred in Canada, would constitute an offence for which an order could be obtained under subsection 462.48(3) of the Criminal Code, in response to a request made pursuant to
(A) an administrative arrangement entered into under section 6 of the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, or
(B) a bilateral agreement for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters to which Canada is a party;
(e) provide confidential information
(v.1) to an official of the Department of Employment and Social Development solely for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of a program established under the authority of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act in respect of children who are deceased or missing as a result of an offence, or a probable offence, under the Criminal Code,
(xv) to an official solely for the purposes of a security review under subsection 83.032(10) or section 83.034 of the Criminal Code, if the information can reasonably be considered to be relevant to the security review;
(k) provide confidential information to a police officer (within the meaning assigned by subsection 462.48(17) of the Criminal Code) solely for the purpose of investigating whether an offence has been committed under the Criminal Code, or the laying of an information or the preferring of an indictment, if
(i) the information can reasonably be regarded as being relevant for the purpose of ascertaining the circumstances in which an offence under the Criminal Code may have been committed, or the identity of the person or persons who may have committed an offence, with respect to an official, or with respect to any person related to that official,
(6.4) An official may provide to a law enforcement officer of an appropriate police organization
(a) confidential information, if the official has reasonable grounds to believe that the information will afford evidence of an act or omission in or outside of Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be
(i) an offence under any of
(B) sections 119 to 121, 123 to 125 and 426 of the Criminal Code,
(C) section 465 of the Criminal Code as it relates to an offence described in clause (B), and
(D) sections 144, 264, 271, 279, 279.02, 281 and 333.1, paragraphs 334(a) and 348(1)(e) and sections 349, 435 and 462.31 of the Criminal Code,
(ii) a terrorism offence or a criminal organization offence, as those terms are defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, for which the maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years or more, or
(6.5) An official may provide to the head of a recipient Government of Canada institution listed in Schedule 3 to the Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act, or to an official designated for the purposes of that Act by the head of that recipient institution,
(a) confidential information, if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the information would be relevant to
(ii) an investigation of whether any of the following offences may have been committed:
(A) a terrorism offence as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, and
(B) an offence under section 462.31 of the Criminal Code, if that investigation is related to a terrorism offence as defined in section 2 of that Act; and
(7) The person presiding at a legal proceeding relating to the supervision, evaluation or discipline of an authorized person may order any measures that are necessary to ensure that confidential information is not used or provided to any person for any purpose not relating to that proceeding, including
(d) sealing the records of the proceeding.
2 The definitions in this section apply in this Act.
peace officer has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Criminal Code. (agent de la paix)
record means any material on which data are recorded or marked and which is capable of being read or understood by a person or a computer system or other device. (registre)