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  1. Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1 - S.C. 2022, c. 10 (Section 135)
    Marginal note:Enactment
    •  (1) The Select Luxury Items Tax Act, whose text is as follows and whose schedule is set out in Schedule 2 to this Act, is enacted:



      Marginal note:Definitions
      • 2 (1) The following definitions apply in this Act.

        confirmed delivery service

        confirmed delivery service  means certified or registered mail or any other service that provides a record that a notice or document has been sent or delivered. (service de messagerie)


        record means any material on which representations, in any form, of information or concepts are recorded or marked and that is capable of being read or understood by a person, a computer system or other device. (registre)


      Marginal note:Authority for separate returns
      • [...]

      • (2) On receipt of the application, the Minister may, in writing, authorize the person to file separate returns and applications for rebates in relation to the specified branch or division, subject to any conditions that the Minister may at any time impose, if the Minister is satisfied that

        • [...]

        • (b) separate records, books of account and accounting systems are maintained in respect of the branch or division.


      SUBDIVISION DRecords and Information

      Marginal note:Keeping records
      • 88 (1) Every person that pays or is required to pay an amount of tax, every person that is required under this Act to file a return and every person that makes an application for a rebate must keep all records that are necessary to enable the determination of the person’s liabilities and obligations under this Act or the amount of any rebate to which the person is entitled under this Act and whether the person has complied with this Act.

      • Marginal note:Minister may specify information

        (2) The Minister may specify the form a record is to take and any information that the record must contain.

      • Marginal note:Language and location of record

        (3) Unless otherwise authorized by the Minister, a record must be kept in Canada in English or in French.

      • Marginal note:Electronic records

        (4) Every person required under this Act to keep a record that does so electronically must ensure that all equipment and software necessary to make the record intelligible are available during the retention period required for the record.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Inadequate records

        (6) If a person fails to keep adequate records for the purposes of this Act, the Minister may, in writing, require the person to keep any records that the Minister may specify, and the person must keep the records specified by the Minister.

      • Marginal note:General period for retention

        (7) Every person that is required to keep records must retain them until the expiry of six years after the end of the year to which they relate or for any other period that may be prescribed.

      • Marginal note:Objection or appeal

        (8) If a person that is required under this Act to keep records serves a notice of objection or is a party to an appeal or reference under this Act, the person must retain every record that pertains to the subject-matter of the objection, appeal or reference until the objection, appeal or reference is finally disposed of.

      • Marginal note:Demand by Minister

        (9) If the Minister is of the opinion that it is necessary for the administration or enforcement of this Act, the Minister may, by a demand served personally or sent by confirmed delivery service, require any person required under this Act to keep records to retain those records for any period that is specified in the demand, and the person must comply with the demand.

      • Marginal note:Permission for earlier disposal

        (10) A person that is required under this Act to keep records may dispose of them before the expiry of the period during which they are required to be kept if written permission for their disposal is given by the Minister.


      Marginal note:Requirement to provide information or record
      • 90 (1) Despite any other provision of this Act, the Minister may, subject to subsection (3), for any purpose related to the administration or enforcement of this Act, by a notice served or sent in accordance with subsection (2), require a person resident in Canada or a person that is not resident in Canada but that is engaged in activities in Canada to provide any information or record.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Unnamed persons

        (3) The Minister must not impose on any person (in this section referred to as a “third party”) a requirement to provide information or any record relating to one or more unnamed persons unless the Minister first obtains the authorization of a judge under subsection (4).

      Marginal note:Definitions
      • 91 (1) The following definitions apply in this section.

        court of appeal

        court of appeal  has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Criminal Code. (cour d’appel)

      • [...]

      • (4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in respect of

        • (a) criminal proceedings, either by indictment or on summary conviction, that have been commenced by the laying of an information or the preferring of an indictment, under an Act of Parliament; or

      • [...]

      • (12) The person presiding at a legal proceeding relating to the supervision, evaluation or discipline of an authorized person may order any measures that are necessary to ensure that confidential information is not used or provided to any person for any purpose not relating to that proceeding, including

        • [...]

        • (d) sealing the records of the proceeding.


      Marginal note:Failure to provide information

      116 Every person that fails to provide any information or record as and when required under this Act is liable to a penalty of $1,000 for every failure unless, in the case of information required in respect of another person, a reasonable effort was made by the person to obtain the information.


      Marginal note:Offences for false or deceptive statement
      • 122 (1) Every person commits an offence that

        • (a) makes, or participates in, assents to or acquiesces in the making of, a false or deceptive statement in a return, application, certificate, statement, document, record or answer filed or made as required under this Act;

        • (b) for the purposes of evading payment of any amount payable under this Act, or obtaining a rebate or other payment payable under this Act to which the person is not entitled,

          • (i) destroys, alters, mutilates, conceals or otherwise disposes of any records of a person, or

          • (ii) makes, or assents to or acquiesces in the making of, a false or deceptive entry, or omits, or assents to or acquiesces in the omission, to enter a material particular in the records of a person;


      Marginal note:No power to decrease punishment

      128 Despite the Criminal Code or any other law, the court has, in any prosecution or proceeding under this Act, neither the power to impose less than the minimum fine fixed under this Act nor the power to suspend sentence.


      Marginal note:Definition of dwelling-house
      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Inspections

        (2) A person authorized by the Minister to do so may, at all reasonable times and for any purpose related to the administration or enforcement of this Act, inspect, audit or examine the records, processes, property or premises of a person that may be relevant in determining the obligations of that or any other person under this Act, or the amount of any rebate to which that or any other person is entitled under this Act and whether that person or any other person is in compliance with this Act.

      • (3) Subject to subsection (4), the authorized person may, at all reasonable times, for any purpose related to the administration of enforcement of this Act

        • (a) enter any place in which the authorized person reasonably believes the person keeps or should keep records, carries on any activity to which this Act applies or does anything in relation to that activity;

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Orders if entry not authorized

        (6) If the judge is not satisfied that entry into the dwelling-house is necessary for any purpose related to the administration or enforcement of this Act, the judge may, to the extent that access was or may be expected to be refused and that a record or property is or may be expected to be kept in the dwelling-house,

        • (a) order the occupant of the dwelling-house to provide a person with reasonable access to any record or property that is or should be kept in the dwelling-house; and

      Marginal note:Compliance order
      • 131 (1) On summary application by the Minister, a judge may, despite section 126, order a person to provide any access, assistance, information or record sought by the Minister under section 90 or 130 if the judge is satisfied that the person was required under section 90 or 130 to provide the access, assistance, information or record and did not do so.

      Marginal note:Search warrant
      • 132 (1) A judge may, on ex parte application by the Minister, issue a warrant authorizing any person named in the warrant to enter and search any building, receptacle or place for any record or thing that may afford evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act and to seize the record or thing and, as soon as is practicable, bring it before, or make a report in respect of the record or thing to, the judge or, if that judge is unable to act, another judge of the same court, to be dealt with by the judge in accordance with this section.

      • [...]

      • (3) A judge may issue a warrant referred to in subsection (1) if the judge is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe that

        • [...]

        • (b) a record or thing that may afford evidence of the commission of the offence is likely to be found; and

        • (c) the building, receptacle or place specified in the application is likely to contain a record or thing referred to in paragraph (b).

      • Marginal note:Contents of warrant

        (4) A warrant issued under subsection (1) must refer to the offence for which it is issued, identify the building, receptacle or place to be searched and the person that is alleged to have committed the offence, and it must be reasonably specific as to any record or thing to be searched for and seized.

      • Marginal note:Seizure

        (5) Any person that executes a warrant issued under subsection (1) may seize, in addition to the record or thing referred to in that subsection, any other record or thing that the person believes on reasonable grounds affords evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act and must, as soon as is practicable, bring the record or thing before, or make a report in respect of the record or thing, the judge that issued the warrant or, if that judge is unable to act, another judge of the same court, to be dealt with by the judge in accordance with this section.

      • Marginal note:Retention

        (6) Subject to subsection (7), if any record or thing seized under subsection (1) or (5) is brought before a judge or a report in respect of the record or thing is made to a judge, the judge must, unless the Minister waives retention, order that it be retained by the Minister, that must take reasonable care to ensure that it is preserved until the conclusion of any investigation into the offence in relation to which the record or thing was seized or until it is required to be produced for the purposes of a criminal proceeding.

      • Marginal note:Return of records or things seized

        (7) If any record or thing seized under subsection (1) or (5) is brought before a judge or a report in respect of the record or thing is made to a judge, the judge may, on the judge’s own motion or on summary application by a person with an interest in the record or thing on three clear days notice of application to the Deputy Attorney General of Canada, order that the record or thing be returned to the person from which it was seized or the person that is otherwise legally entitled to the record or thing, if the judge is satisfied that the record or thing

        • (a) will not be required for an investigation or a criminal proceeding; or

      • Marginal note:Access and copies

        (8) The person from which any record or thing is seized under this section is entitled, at all reasonable times and subject to any reasonable conditions that may be imposed by the Minister, to inspect the record or thing and, in the case of a document, to obtain one copy of the record at the expense of the Minister.

      Marginal note:Definition of foreign-based information or record
      • 133 (1) For the purposes of this section, foreign-based information or record means any information or record that is available or located outside Canada and that may be relevant to the administration or enforcement of this Act.

      • Marginal note:Requirement to provide foreign-based information

        (2) Despite any other provision of this Act, the Minister may, by a notice served or sent in accordance with subsection (4), require a person resident in Canada or a non-resident person that carries on business in Canada to provide any foreign-based information or record.

      • (3) A notice referred to in subsection (2) must set out

        • (a) a reasonable period of time of not less than 90 days for the provision of the information or record;

        • (b) a description of the information or record being sought; and

        • (c) the consequences under subsection (9) to the person of the failure to provide the information or record being sought within the period of time set out in the notice.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Related person

        (7) For the purposes of subsection (6), a requirement to provide information or a record is not to be considered to be unreasonable because the information or record is under the control of, or available to, a non-resident person that is not controlled by the person served with the notice of the requirement under subsection (2) if that person is related to the non-resident person.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Consequence of failure

        (9) If a person fails to comply substantially with a notice served under subsection (2) and if the notice is not set aside under subsection (5), any court having jurisdiction in a civil proceeding relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act must, on motion of the Minister, prohibit the introduction by that person of any foreign-based information or record covered by that notice.

      Marginal note:Copies

      134 If any record is seized, inspected, audited, examined or provided under any of sections 81, 90 and 130 to 132, the person by whom it is seized, inspected, audited or examined or to whom it is provided or any officer of the Canada Revenue Agency may make or cause to be made one or more copies of it and, in the case of an electronic record, make or cause to be made a print-out of the electronic record, and any record purporting to be certified by the Minister or an authorized person to be a copy of the record, or to be a print-out of an electronic record, made under this section is evidence of the nature and content of the original record and has the same probative force as the original record would have if it were proven in the ordinary way.


      Marginal note:Certificates
      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Charge on property

        (4) A document issued by the Federal Court evidencing a registered certificate in respect of a debtor, a writ of that Court issued pursuant to the certificate or any notification of the document or writ (which document, writ or notification is in this section referred to as a “memorial”) may be filed, registered or otherwise recorded for the purpose of creating a charge, lien or priority on, or a binding interest in property in a province, or any interest in, or for civil law any right in, such property, held by the debtor, in the same manner as a document evidencing


        may be filed, registered or otherwise recorded in accordance with the law of the province to create a charge, lien or priority on, or a binding interest in, the property or interest.

      • Marginal note:Creation of charge

        (5) If a memorial has been filed, registered or otherwise recorded under subsection (4),


        in the same manner and to the same extent as if the memorial were a document evidencing a judgment referred to in paragraph (4)(a) or an amount referred to in paragraph (4)(b), and the charge, lien, priority or binding interest created is subordinate to any charge, lien, priority or binding interest in respect of which all steps necessary to make it effective against other creditors were taken before the time the memorial was filed, registered or otherwise recorded.

      • Marginal note:Proceedings in respect of memorial

        (6) If a memorial is filed, registered or otherwise recorded in a province under subsection (4), proceedings may be taken in the province in respect of the memorial, including proceedings

        • (a) to enforce payment of the amount evidenced by the memorial, interest on the amount and all costs and charges paid or incurred in respect of

          • (i) the filing, registration or other recording of the memorial, and

        • (b) to renew or otherwise prolong the effectiveness of the filing, registration or other recording of the memorial,

        • [...]

        • (d) to postpone the effectiveness of the filing, registration or other recording of the memorial in favour of any right, charge, lien or priority that has been or is intended to be filed, registered or otherwise recorded in respect of any property, or interest or rights, affected by the memorial,


      • (7) If

        • (a) a memorial is presented for filing, registration or other recording under subsection (4), or a document relating to the memorial is presented for filing, registration or other recording for the purpose of any proceeding described in subsection (6), to any official in the land registry system, personal property or movable property registry system, or other registry system, of a province, or

        • (b) access is sought to any person, place or thing in a province to make the filing, registration or other recording,

        the memorial or document must be accepted for filing, registration or other recording or the access must be granted, as the case may be, in the same manner and to the same extent as if the memorial or document relating to the memorial were a document evidencing a judgment referred to in paragraph (4)(a) or an amount referred to in paragraph (4)(b) for the purpose of a like proceeding, except that, if the memorial or document is issued by the Federal Court or signed or certified by a judge or official of the Court, any affidavit, declaration or other evidence required under the law of the province to be provided with or to accompany the memorial or document in the proceedings is deemed to have been provided with or to have accompanied the memorial or document as so required.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Secured claims

        (11) If a charge, lien, priority or binding interest created under subsection (5) by filing, registering or otherwise recording a memorial under subsection (4) is registered in accordance with subsection 87(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, it is deemed



      Marginal note:Money seized from debtor
      • 145 (1) If the Minister has knowledge or suspects that a person is holding money that was seized by a police officer in the course of administering or enforcing the criminal law of Canada from another person that is liable to pay any amount under this Act (in this section referred to as the “debtor”) and that is restorable to the debtor, the Minister may in writing require the person to turn over the money otherwise restorable to the debtor, in whole or in part, to the Receiver General on account of the debtor’s liability under this Act.


      Marginal note:Proof of service
      • 153 (1) If, under this Act, provision is made for sending by confirmed delivery service a request for information, a notice or a demand, an affidavit of an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, is evidence of the sending and of the request, notice or demand if the affidavit sets out that

        • [...]

        • (c) the officer identifies as exhibits attached to the affidavit a true copy of the request, notice or demand and

          • [...]

          • (ii) in any other case, the record that the document has been sent or a true copy of the relevant portion of the record.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Proof — failure to comply

        (4) If, under this Act, a person is required to make a return, an application, a statement, an answer or a certificate, an affidavit of an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, setting out that the officer has charge of the appropriate records and that, after a careful examination and search of the records, the officer has been unable to find in a given case that the return, application, statement, answer or certificate has been made by that person, is evidence that in that case the person did not make the return, application, statement, answer or certificate.

      • Marginal note:Proof — time of compliance

        (5) If, under this Act, a person is required to make a return, an application, a statement, an answer or a certificate, an affidavit of an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, setting out that the officer has charge of the appropriate records and that, after a careful examination of the records, the officer has found that the return, application, statement, answer or certificate was filed or made on a particular day, is evidence that it was filed or made on that day.

      • Marginal note:Proof of documents

        (6) An affidavit of an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, setting out that the officer has charge of the appropriate records and that a document attached to the affidavit is a document or true copy of a document, or a printout of an electronic document, made by or on behalf of the Minister or a person exercising the powers of the Minister or by or on behalf of a person, is evidence of the nature and contents of the document.

      • Marginal note:Proof of documents

        (7) An affidavit of an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, setting out that the officer has charge of the appropriate records and that a document attached to the affidavit is a document or true copy of a document, or a printout of an electronic document, made by or on behalf of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness or a person exercising the powers of that Minister or by or on behalf of a person, is evidence of the nature and contents of the document.

      • Marginal note:Proof of no appeal

        (8) An affidavit of an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency or the Canada Border Services Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, setting out that the officer has charge of the appropriate records and has knowledge of the practice of the Canada Revenue Agency or the Canada Border Services Agency, as the case may be, and that an examination of the records shows that a notice of assessment was mailed or otherwise sent to a person on a particular day under this Act and that, after a careful examination and search of the records, the officer has been unable to find that a notice of objection or of appeal from the assessment, as the case may be, was received within the time allowed, is evidence of the statements contained in the affidavit.

      • [...]

      • Marginal note:Evidence

        (19) In a prosecution for an offence under this Act, an affidavit of an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, sworn before a commissioner or other person authorized to take affidavits, setting out that the officer has charge of the appropriate records and that an examination of the records shows that an amount required under this Act to be paid to the Receiver General has not been received by the Receiver General, is evidence of the statements contained in the affidavit.


  2. Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1 - S.C. 2022, c. 10 (Section 173)
    Marginal note:Bill C-8

  3. Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1 - S.C. 2022, c. 10 (Section 138)

     Paragraph 462.48(2)(c) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:

Date modified: