Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

Version of section 42 from 2004-12-15 to 2024-07-23:

Marginal note:Acts of bankruptcy

  •  (1) A debtor commits an act of bankruptcy in each of the following cases:

    • (a) if in Canada or elsewhere he makes an assignment of his property to a trustee for the benefit of his creditors generally, whether it is an assignment authorized by this Act or not;

    • (b) if in Canada or elsewhere the debtor makes a fraudulent gift, delivery or transfer of the debtor’s property or of any part of it;

    • (c) if in Canada or elsewhere the debtor makes any transfer of the debtor’s property or any part of it, or creates any charge on it, that would under this Act be void or, in the Province of Quebec, null as a fraudulent preference;

    • (d) if, with intent to defeat or delay his creditors, he departs out of Canada, or, being out of Canada, remains out of Canada, or departs from his dwelling-house or otherwise absents himself;

    • (e) if the debtor permits any execution or other process issued against the debtor under which any of the debtor’s property is seized, levied on or taken in execution to remain unsatisfied until within five days after the time fixed by the executing officer for the sale of the property or for fifteen days after the seizure, levy or taking in execution, or if any of the debtor’s property has been sold by the executing officer, or if the execution or other process has been held by the executing officer for a period of fifteen days after written demand for payment without seizure, levy or taking in execution or satisfaction by payment, or if it is returned endorsed to the effect that the executing officer can find no property on which to levy or to seize or take, but if interpleader or opposition proceedings have been instituted with respect to the property seized, the time elapsing between the date at which the proceedings were instituted and the date at which the proceedings are finally disposed of, settled or abandoned shall not be taken into account in calculating the period of fifteen days;

    • (f) if he exhibits to any meeting of his creditors any statement of his assets and liabilities that shows that he is insolvent, or presents or causes to be presented to any such meeting a written admission of his inability to pay his debts;

    • (g) if he assigns, removes, secretes or disposes of or attempts or is about to assign, remove, secrete or dispose of any of his property with intent to defraud, defeat or delay his creditors or any of them;

    • (h) if he gives notice to any of his creditors that he has suspended or that he is about to suspend payment of his debts;

    • (i) if he defaults in any proposal made under this Act; and

    • (j) if he ceases to meet his liabilities generally as they become due.

  • Marginal note:Unauthorized assignments are void or null

    (2) Every assignment of an insolvent debtor’s property other than an assignment authorized by this Act, made by an insolvent debtor for the general benefit of their creditors, is void or, in the Province of Quebec, null.

  • R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 42
  • 1997, c. 12, s. 26
  • 2004, c. 25, s. 27

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