Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations (SOR/92-620)

Regulations are current to 2024-08-18 and last amended on 2019-11-30. Previous Versions

 In these Regulations,


Act means the Corrections and Conditional Release Act; (Loi)


committee means the committee established under subsection 37.31(3) of the Act; (comité)


CORCAN means the part of the Service that is responsible for penitentiary industry; (CORCAN)

correctional plan

correctional plan means a correctional plan developed in accordance with section 102; (plan correctionnel)

independent chairperson

independent chairperson means a person appointed pursuant to section 24 to conduct hearings of serious disciplinary offences; (président indépendant)

inmate grievance committee

inmate grievance committee means a committee that is established in a penitentiary for the purpose of reviewing inmates’ grievances and making recommendations with respect thereto to the institutional head and that consists of an equal number of inmates and staff members; (comité d’examen des griefs des détenus)

net approved earnings

net approved earnings, in respect of an inmate, means the inmate’s income per pay period from pensions, institutional work, programs referred to in paragraph 78(1)(a) of the Act, authorized employment in the community and sales of hobby crafts, less any deductions made for the purposes of reimbursement pursuant to subsection 104(4); (gains nets approuvés)


offender means

  • (a) in Part I, an offender as defined in section 2 of the Act, and

  • (b) in Part II, an offender as defined in section 99 of the Act; (délinquant)

outside review board

outside review board means a committee of members of the community, other than staff members or inmates, that is established for the purpose of reviewing inmates’ grievances and making recommendations with respect thereto to the person who is reviewing the inmate’s grievance; (comité externe d’examen des griefs)

parole supervisor

parole supervisor has the same meaning as in subsection 134(2) of the Act; (surveillant de liberté conditionnelle)


region means one of the following regions, namely, the Atlantic region, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairie region and the Pacific region; (région)

registered health care professional

registered health care professional means a registered health care professional employed or engaged by the Service; (professionnel de la santé agréé)

releasing authority

releasing authority has the same meaning as in subsection 133(1) of the Act; (autorité compétente)

secure area

secure area means an area within a penitentiary that is designated by the institutional head by means of institutional standing orders for that purpose. (secteur de sécurité)

unauthorized item

unauthorized item means an item that is not authorized by a Commissioner’s Directives or by a written order of the institutional head and that an inmate possesses without prior authorization; (objet non autorisé)

working day

working day has the same meaning as in subsection 93(5) of the Act. (jour ouvrable)

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