Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-14. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE K.2(Subsections B.29.021(1), (2) and (8))

Supplemented Food Caution Identifier Formats

Unilingual Standard Format


This figure shows a supplemented food caution identifier for the principal display panel of a prepackaged product. This identifier is in English only. There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black line. Centred vertically on the left side of the box is a black exclamation mark. To the right of the exclamation mark is a horizontal bar. There is a small amount of white space between the exclamation mark and the bar as well as between the end of the bar and the thin black line that outlines the box. The bar is black and contains the word “Supplemented” in white, bold, lower case letters, except that the first letter is in upper case. Centred below the black bar are the words “Health Canada” in black lower case letters, except that the first letter of each word is in upper case.


This figure shows a supplemented food caution identifier for the principal display panel of a prepackaged product. This identifier is in French only. There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black line. Centred vertically on the left side of the box is a black exclamation mark. To the right of the exclamation mark is a horizontal bar. There is a small amount of white space between the exclamation mark and the bar as well as between the end of the bar and the thin black line that outlines the box. The bar is black and contains the word “Supplémenté” in white, bold, lower case letters, except that the first letter is in upper case. Centred below the black bar are the words “Santé Canada” in black lower case letters, except that the first letter of each word is in upper case.

Bilingual Standard Format


This figure shows a supplemented food caution identifier for the principal display panel of a prepackaged product. This identifier is bilingual, with the English text shown first, followed by the French text. There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black line. Centred vertically on the left side of the box is a black exclamation mark. To the right of the exclamation mark is a horizontal bar. There is a small amount of white space between the exclamation mark and the bar as well as between the end of the bar and the thin black line that outlines the box. The bar is black and contains the word “Supplemented” followed by a forward slash and the word “Supplémenté”, with both words in white, bold, lower case letters, except that the first letter of each word is in upper case. Centred below the black bar are the words “Health Canada” followed by a forward slash and the words “Santé Canada”, with all words in black lower case letters, except that the first letter of each word is in upper case.

Bilingual Compact Format


This figure shows a supplemented food caution identifier for the principal display panel of a prepackaged product. This identifier is bilingual, with the English text shown first, followed by the French text. There is a white rectangular box outlined by a thin black line. At the top left of the box is a black exclamation mark. To the right of the exclamation mark is a horizontal bar. There is a small amount of white space between the exclamation mark and the bar as well as between the end of the bar and the thin black line that outlines the box. The bar is black and contains two lines of text in white, bold, lower case letters, except that the first letter of each word is in upper case. On the first line is the word “Supplemented” and on the second line is the word “Supplémenté”. Centred below the black bar are two lines of text in black lower case letters, except that the first letter of each word is in upper case. On the first line are the words “Health Canada” and on the second line are the words “Santé Canada”.

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